My week challenge, those high notes really kills you, plus I’m having a cold and this is me singing in the morning as you can see haha. Feel free to give any comment, advise or whatever. #Singing #music #cover
#Me #singing #Pink #WhoKnew #karaoke #acoustic #version #nomicrophone #guitar #happiness #love
Inte så jättebra på att sjunga. Men jag bjuder på denna. XD #Singing
Wow #7days7stories #7stories #beautybox #boyfriend #firstvideo #follow #Me #kladdkakansdag #singing #swedishhousemafia #peace #youretheone #YOLO #cupsong #FramesOfYou #crazy #buildagirl #family #minhandärsupercool
Ja, jag failade ett tusental gånger, men lyckades nästan hitta ackorden, wiho! #Coverbyme #cover #music #singing #songs
#Cover #music #singing #brooklyn @videobybella
#dance #boys #school #lifestyle #Beauty #crazy #friends #happy #memories #style #YOLO #follow #singing #youretheone #myfirstvideo #like4like #love #whatever
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