Flummar hemma med lite stång och öl 🙂 Ska visa i mon att jag kan på riktigt när man är helt nykter
#Working on my #ryssian #split! In da #studio! #poledance #pole #polefitness #workout #leg #stretch #flexible
#trying #russiansplit 4the first time with my #brother. #pole #poledance
I learnt this move by the name of: Ballerina. #pole #poledance #poledancer #dance #male # ballerina #skill
Combination sequence: Left leg hang transition to pike transition to right leg hang. #pole #poledance #poledancing #poledancer #dance #dancer #practice #training #left #right #hang #pike
I was taught this skill by the name #Venus. #pole #dancing #poledancing #practice #training
Pole practice and skill refinement. Currently working on building a full routine using some new skills I’m trying to learn. I don’t know the name of this skill 🙁 #pole #poledancing #poledancer #dance #training #practice #circus #performance #mal
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