Jeg har altså blitt litt forkjølet så jeg har ikke fått lagt noen nye dansevideoer så denne video er fra noen dager siden. Hadde blitt utrolig glad og dere hadde gitt videoen en like eller kommentar! #dance #me #Lena #dancing #cool #selena
Tomorro It wil come A original dance video! #dance #bloopers #fails #family #friends #Lena #me
Sorry for that i haven’t post any video for two days! I have Been so beassy On the christmas days. #dance #moves #me #Lena #fun #Christmas #jul #sorry #crazy #cute #happy #heart #funny
#Original #mvlato #music #guitar #singing #vocals #risingstar #follow #me
Me and my friend Karianne made A hiphop dance! I hope You like it. #dance #happy #hiphop #me #Lena #moves #Christmas #fun
#dance #dancing #me #Lena #fun #cool #happy #norway #pop #video #moves
Its almost Christmas so i made A dance to drummer boy! I hope You liked IT! #justinbieber #fun #dance #drummerboy #happy whatdoyoumean #me #Lena #dancing #moves #Christmas
Me and A friend made A dance, we performed It for many people! Hope You like it, this dance mean alot for us. #dance #fun #me #Lena #June #happy #sad #peace #dancing #chandelier #sia #performance #friends #hope #us
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