Hiw fast does the law of attraction take to kick in? It depends on how long you can hold your intention #Lawofattraction
Let go of your fears of your people becoming distracted. You’re only attracting problems when you worry about that. For a more detailed insight into this issue, check out my training video here: https://plus.google.com/112024172014841301781/posts/9LgxPfA
— Why didn’t people join me ? — What is my target market ? — How do i attract what I want ? #Intro #story #mindset #leadership #LawOfAttraction #lifestyle I want to thank every Mentor =”D @OrlandaMilan @workwithasia Love you guys
Can you hold a single , positive thought for 17 seconds? Get what you want! #Lawofattraction Who Else Wants To Save Thousands of Tax Dollars?
Listen and learn how powerful the law of attraction is. #Lawofattraction
#Whatareyoucreating #lawofattraction
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