ALS är en sjukdom som paralyserar personen och kan leda till döden. Jag donerade 100kr till ALS. Jag taggar dig att göra ALS ice bucket challenge! #IceBucketChallenge #StrikeOutALS
Jag utmanar Lyftkranar, Mygg och Martin Dahlins Mamma. Ni har 24 timmar på er.
Hey! Team VideofyMe has been nominated to join the #IceBucketChallenge to raise awareness for #ALS. We nominate @Chiiaakii @shayan01 @emiliaekberg @alvalindell @Elinnaass @joelwetzel @jossans_ @jenniferrs @feliciakocadag @zagarehn – you have 24 hours!
I nominate @stjernbergrobin @victoriass @emmyholms @niotillfem @frs and @majziz to help #StrikeOutALS by doing the Ice bucket challenge and donate money! You have 24 hours!
My oldest pride and joy , Mason doing his challenge #als #alschallenge #icebucket #funny #kids #icebucketchallenge
#ALS #icebucketchallenge #nominate #lifestyle #edge
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Nominated by Lisa , nominating my beautiful children , Mason, Mia and Micayla ! #als #kids #funny #icebucketchallenge #mommies #lmao #icecold
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