A music video that I made with my friend(s). Song —> The A-Team by Ed Sheeran. Please check it out ! Spent so much time doing it.. Hope you like it! 🙂 #song #music #video #cool #black #white #ed #sheeran #the #A #team #musicvideo #funny #awesome
#videofymefashion #nyfw #mbfw #skate #funny #harlemshake #epic #awesome #style #for #life #gangster #role #wigga #school #fun #rock #now #mymorning
We just got started… Soon its gonna be a song but this is just the beginning!!! 🙂
Jag och marco satt och skrev på våran klass blogg och så har vi lite skoj med marcos hår! #VideofyMyFashion #NYFW #MBFW #skate #beauty #funny #food #fashion #music
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