No writing today so I created some improv. #before30project
Drainer Housemate complains about acoustic guitar. Session killer. #lifedrainer #before30project
Week 1 Summary Of The #before30project. To These Amazing Followers: @adamswag @amojoh @ashy__17 @awasantessonsey @beckaaduveet @desaihafredrik @elin98karlsson @elineklund6 @emelie1234
A quick groove-driven riff. Perhaps to be played with an electric guitar…? #happy #dance #London #roomtour #before30project
@stjernbergrobin @awasantessonsey @desaihafredrik Enjoy! #before30project
1am – committed to a writing sesh. So I sneak this in b4 my housemate knocks on my door n cracks the shits. #before30project
Time to hit the kit to get some groove ideas for the #before30project
Working on my email #marketing to build the raving fan list! Business day. #before30project #songwriting #musicbusiness #myday
It rolled past midnight and this riff came out. Thoughts? @ashy__17 @awasantessonsey @desaihafredrik @Shenie @stjernbergrobin #before30project #freeyourmusic #challenge
Just b4 midnight had another tickle on the axe for the #before30project
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