@Pancakestacker going thru the 7 stages of silly string grief in #slowmotion at #coachella . We think this looks pretty amazing in HD!
SWEDEN ONLY! Vinn två biljetter till One Direction på Ullevi 23/6! Skapa en video med Videofy i HD och tagga den #iloveHD för att tävla. Du måste vara 12 år eller äldre och får ladda upp hur många bidrag du vill! Vinnaren utses 20/4!
Cover of Count on me by @bellaochfilippa in HD! Have you updated the app yet to get HD quality? Tag your HD videos #iloveHD and we might share your video here.
@Theboingboingbr knows how to take advantage of HD quality. Have you updated yet? Show us your HD videos by using the tag #iloveHD and we might share it here on @teamvideofy.
Today we launched HD quality on Videofy! Update the app on App Store and capture your life in high definition (HD). Your videos will look amazing!
How cute is @thereseeriksson’s boxer puppy?
Create a video every day for 7 days starting TODAY! The person who creates the best videos will be featured in our Lifestyle category for a week. GO NUTS! And remember to tag each video every day #7days
Pontus from @FRS is in Hong Kong climbing buildings and in this case the highest bridge in Hong Kong! This is extremely dangerous and not encouraged by law, hehe. Go to @frs to follow his adventure and cheer him on!
Follow @wallgrenjoanna for more sweet covers! Couldn’t choose just one so here’s two! Use #cover when posting your own!
@Pontuskarlsson is in Hong Kong challenging his mortality. Here he is walking on the edge of a roof top. Follow his great adventure and watch the whole video on @Frs. DON’T try this at home!
Go through your days in #slowmotion this week! It makes the good stuff look even better and the fun sounds sound even funnier! The best one might be featured here! Video by @soederberg.
We’ve added this years songs from Melodifestivalen to the music picker! (Sweden only) Add your favorite song to your video and tag #mello2015 . This video was made by @loualexandra from Val Thorens in the French alps.
teamvideofy have not any favourite Video yet!