Pitbull Pupmeeting will be in Hålan Drottninghög 5 gen DNA 2011 Morgon kaffe 22 april 2011 hos Barbro Bruhn how also give informatin about pupmeating with 5 generation pitbull family DNA proofed in June or july on Hålan Drottninghög Helsingborg (platsen ka
SVT Sydnytt 2011-04-20 komplement efter jag tipsat SVT Sydnytt av Barbro Bruhn (filmklipp) 1:41 Jag tror inte jag får vara med på Sydnytt SVT i kväll så jag gör ett eget TV program här ? http://www.nattstad.se/Svensk%20Pitbull Obs bytat bloggen APBRPITBU
Pitbull Madonna are an Jeep dog for real Shes lines end up in Garrets Jeep aka Chrenshaws Jeep. her Pitbull Madonna owned by Barbroo Bruhn she just check out onother Jeep 🙂
You are in god temper with your dog when dog bark on Command. My Pitbull Madonna have Competition licens only in this catogeri Do want I tell you on regular bases. Therfor I want my Pitbull in FCI so we can start compete worldwide in all dog sport NOT ONLY ONE
Our breed in APBR Kennel Club Sweden are trueful to humen and animals. We promise you full support for your Pitbull pups. You also are insured in this Demodex history then our animalinsurens support us in all medication and treatment for any sickdom a pup can
http://pitbullregistry.com/Family/pedigree.php?PEDIGREE_GENERATIONS=4&rootid=I11656&show_full=1&talloffset=1 Jag Me avlar breed på on dessa this awsome fantastiska American Amerikanska Pitbull Pitbull linjer lines
My Pitbull pups from XL Pitbull Kennel put in APBR Kennel Club wining and I try get Madonna back to her pups. You really heve to work together with your female so you back her up with helthy strong nutrious food and also start feed pups so Pitbullfemale dont t
This pup are stud in APBR Kennel Klubb and he are DNA typed and also his puppies are DNA typed. also this pups mother XL Pitbull Kennels Madonna are DNA typed with all her 17 pitbullspups and then pups mother father grandpa and grandgrandpa how are famous game
Pitbull Madonna 7 generationer Garner`s Chinaman leker på den frusna sjön Jag är ovanför liggandes på sjöbryggan då jag känner Lennart tar tag i mitt högra ben pressar det uppåt och min kropp kanar mot den svarta isen läs mer på Barbro Bruhns blogg
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