Yesterday I went to Rodeo’s party and ate up all their helium balloons with @robert @weisbykratz @kingen90 @plazuro @jordigubbar and a bunch of other people.
Stockholm Pride 2012 with @erik @billy & Clara! #pride #throwbackthursday #tbt
Friday night Leo and I drove out to the seaside and stayed all weekend.
Tuesday dinner at K25 + Wednesday dumplings/sushi lunch.
#artbar #absolut #absolutvodka #bon #bonmagazine @kristofera @bonmagazine
#GinaTricot #showroom #bloggers @filippasmeds @lisaplace @carolineroxy @victoriatornegren
@filippasmeds #suck
Today I had lunch and Bloody Marys at Tjoget with @dennis
Last night at Ljunggren with @pissapa, Alexander & Markus.
Launch party for THE AFTER PARTY last night at Spy Bar! @theafterparty #theafterparty #spybar @dennis @filippasmeds @robert @levinson @annaskada @greta @august @eija @kristofera @zeketastas @eriksegerstedt
Preparty at Story Hotel’s Lily Dam Suite before the launchparty for THE AFTER PARTY #theafterparty @theafterparty #storyhotel @dennis @filippasmeds @eriklyden @olov @robert @kristofera
shelley have not any favourite Video yet!