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Join Date : April 21, 2014

About sharonparkinson

sharonparkinson  Videos

Importance Of Eating Well and Exercising

Just had a checkup at the hospital and finger is healing nicely. From tomorrow will be fitting exercise in to my weekly regime and look to loose 20lbs by November 2014 🙂 #ILN90DayVideoChallenge Day 8

publish July 4, 2014 230
Review of Asia Facebook Marketing Training

Just finished watching Asia’s training which excellent and was the first time I had seen so many examples of how she builds up the relationship and also closes people depending on their mindset. It was very enlivening and will certainly again 🙂

publish June 1, 2014 258
There are 2 circles in life – which one do you operate in?

Everyone operates in one of these (circle of concern or circle of influence). If you are in the former and want to change circles and ready to take action, then connect with me so you can share your story. #influence #prosperity #leadership #positivity

publish May 24, 2014 329
Making Friends On Facebook

What is your primary goal for connecting with new people on Facebook?

publish May 21, 2014 259
publish May 18, 2014 282
How To Get In To Peoples Hearts

You must learn how to get in to people’s hearts when marketing your brand. No one wants to buy your stuff, they want to buy the result it will give them. When posting things on your wall or in groups make sure you are giving value before posting you link

publish May 18, 2014 261
Learn The Art Of Dreamscaping

When we were children we could dream about being anything but as you go through life dreaming becomes suppressed through peer pressure etc. well with dreamscaping you will learn that no dream is too big! #dreamscaping #future #successful

publish May 18, 2014 334
Leaders see the precious wealth

Your thoughts and actions shape your future. Make sure you go out there and be the best you can. Your thought and actions will shape your future #positive #mindset #wealth

publish May 18, 2014 299
Only diligent people profit

Don’t focus on the day to day dramas in your life. Focus on how you can grow as a person and make a fantastic future for yourself and your family. #Diligent

publish May 18, 2014 233
You must help your team duplicate

Have a step by step guide so they know exactly what to do. A good way is to have your own Facebook group and have a pinned post with your guide pinned at the top and also in your files section #teamwork

publish May 18, 2014 239
You must focus on the futuristic result

Remember people don’t want to buy your product but the end result. Tell them the 5 main benefits if they use your product #results

publish May 18, 2014 220
Why leaders have to be speedy and consistent

Watch the viral 5 training within #Internetlifestylenetwork to understand why this matters.

publish May 18, 2014 312

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