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Join Date : March 28, 2012

About sbuvc3vh

sbuvc3vh  Videos

Time is ticking towards Sweden!

Soon my parents will come, and before I know it I’m on my way back home to Sweden. It’s time to realize some stuff!

publish April 10, 2013 112
The British Empire With Philip Karlsson Part 3

Describing the fall of the First British Empire in relation to the American revolution. Thanks to “America the story of us”, for material. Part 3/3

publish January 5, 2013 69
The British Empire with Philip Karlsson Part 2

Describing the fall of the First British Empire in relation to the American revolution. Thanks to “America the story of us”, for material. Part 2/3

publish January 5, 2013 46
The British Empire with Philip Karlsson Part 1

Describing the fall of the First British Empire in relation to the American revolution. Thanks to “America the story of us”, for material.

publish January 4, 2013 398
Philip!! Vad gör du i Deutschland?

– Blir man rik av att vara utbytesstudent? – Vad skäms jag egentligen för? Observera att videon är redigerad och att videon tex: Debatten inte är original (redigerat för roligt syfte).

publish November 9, 2012 163
Wie viel kostet das?

Video project I made for art-class. Thank you Valentin, Rahel and Angie for helping me record this! 🙂

publish November 8, 2012 135
Lifehouse Everything

This is a performance made by some of my friends in the Thalheim Youth Group and my-self. We had been practicing very much for this moment and then we finally presented it in Thalheim church during a youth evening. It was very appriciated but also very emotion

publish October 18, 2012 81
publish October 9, 2012 170
Kaarel und Philip – One week in Germany

A little song made by me and Kaarel (YFU Estonia) when we wanted to remember the different sentences for the language school during our first week 😀 The video is recorded by our Russian YFU exchange student Natalya, dankeschön 🙂

publish August 15, 2012 889
Bye Bye Sweden!

So finally the day has come. It’s time to leave Sweden, at least for a year. Now there’s only one thing before me, the big adventure of Germany!!

publish July 30, 2012 201
The Trip To Italy – June 2012

Ciao! For those who are not updated I went down to Italy to visit the school and to live with an Italian family. I have published photos, and information about my time there but as a final for the trip I’m now publishing a video where I am trying to put

publish July 16, 2012 222
Exchange To Germany Introduction

Hejhej! Det här är en video som ska förklara lite vad jag kommer att blogga om och så vidare. Varför jag gjorde en video och inte skrev ett inlägg är helt enkelt för att jag är för lat! (Text kommer senare ändå) “Alla” videos kommer att

publish March 29, 2012 225

sbuvc3vh Favorite Videos

sbuvc3vh have not any favourite Video yet!

