Wednesday 25 april 2012, workout session at NPS
First time on this combo so i will get better at it!
Second time on that trick đ
First time on silk
First day I tried this one!
Combo- superman, scorpio to batman
Last trick at tonights practise. So bare with me
Los Angeles workshop with awesome Prana. Split on pole sorry for the redlight vision.
Denna mĂ„ste övas mer pĂ„. Vet ej exakt vad den heter sĂ„ döper den till ? sĂ„ lĂ€nge đ
Twisted grip preparing for handspring from the pole.
Japp nÄgra gÄnger till sÄ sitter den! NÀstan dÀr!
saralumholdt have not any favourite Video yet!