What is your money mindset? Your Money blueprint that you grew up around. Is it secretly holding you back from making more?
Stay away from drama and be a person people would want to work with. In the long run it’ll be better for you and your business.
Decide that you’re going to achieve your goals and go for them!
Successful people look for opportunities. Unsuccessful people focus on the problems.
Some people have negative opinions on rich people. Rich people are some of the most giving out there. While most of those negative people are judging, they are usually the ones just getting by and barely have enough to give back.
Just because someone says no to your business doesn’t always mean it’s a no. They need genuinely busy or just don’t get it at first. Ask them if you can contact them in a few months to give them an update.
Don’t focus on making money so much as giving massive value to your customers. The money is just a byproduct of you serving them.
One of the most important things is to never give up!
What’s the Real time it takes to do a task? How long did it take and how long does it actually take? Get more done if you collapse time!
I hope my rambling makes sense…I recorded straight after from a thought I had, so if you need clarification, please comment!
How I “knew” about the Law of Attraction before I learned about it.
Take personal responsibility and control your destiny. Don’t leave it up to your up line. Eventually you’ll have to take the reigns and improve yourself.
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