The Loud Button Electronics has newly launched a weirdly named ‘WTF pedal’ which consists of high gain distortion and a low frequency oscillator. The circuitry basically blends synth tones with guitar distortion effects.
The Samsung’s pretty well-known S Cloud service was expected to hit in the month of May with the Galaxy S III smartphone, but that didn’t happen. Now we’ve something that will really cheer you up! The S Cloud service has been demonstrated on the Galaxy N
When Apple’s MacBook Pro was launched with Retina Display technology, new dimensions were opened for display resolutions. But what we are hearing now is that Apple hasn’t managed to maintain the standards of its Retina Display in the new line-up of product
A Vietnamese BatMan fan, Mr. Tùng Lâm pushed his creativity level to the maximum extent and invented the BatPod replica bike.
Synaptics has recently introduced a new line-up of touch-operated hardware components, along with a capacitive touchpad (ForcePad) and an ultra-slim keyboard (ThinTouch).
You may not be visiting the veterinarian for your pup every week. Once or twice in a year is an average count for dog owners who visit the veterinarian.
Speaking of Solar Power, yesterday we posted about the invention of Solar Panels through Copper Oxide and today we have encountered great news about solar energy. As you all know that solar energy is used to create electricity.
How small could a printer be? We already have small compact printers, but how about having a toy-sized printer?
More or less like the indoor flying bicycle (Gamera II) that we had covered last time, there is an innovative invention introduced by the MIT (Robust Robotics Group) students who have finally accomplished in inventing an airplane without any GPS functionality.
If you were a DJ you would have definitely wanted to replace the traditional (wired) DJ system with wireless DJ systems, right? Pioneer thought the same thing and thus invented the first Wi-Fi (wireless) DJ system dubbed the “XDJ-AERO” which operates the m
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