I made this video for my new friends and my soon-to-be friends on Facebook. #BeComfortable #WithBeingUncomfortable
Make sure that you take the right path to success because the path to failure is close at the start.
A Network Marketer OR a PREGNANT WOMAN? Think EXPONENTIALLY not linearly!! #TheGoldProject
I just had a sudden vision on how I can best use #ILN for my offline biz and vice versa. #TheGoldProject
A short review for viral law #2
Sorry it’s a lil over 4-minute review! Took me a while to create a review for Viral 5!
Just wanna let you guys see what’s inside this book that I got today for Free! #Stoked
I’m following the proper way of goal setting from the classic book, Think & Grow Rich! I need to put all the things I learned into ACTION that’s why I’m doing this and also to set the pace for my team on my offline biz!:)
Andddd happy that I can finally watch all the videos that I missed!! 🙂
So happy to be with these kids! My sister requested to have this video posted!:))
Just sharing some thoughts about how carefree I was as a kid. Being stubborn had some advantages on my part as kid because I was able to experience some things that other kids were not able to experience. As an adult, I want to get that kind of energy back. De
I’ve been busy the past few days trying to figure out how to get a decent video for my fb funnel.Hope u guys have a great day!:)
russelle have not any favourite Video yet!