First part of this video was filmed in Silver Spring, D.C. Second, in our hometown Frederick, MD. StaleySquad- Patrick, Daniel Burgfreerunning- Liam TheBoingBoingBros- Dominic. Enjoy!
Hello shark friends,recently we have all been working on flips more sence we suck at them. much more progression to come… But enjoy! Check out
WE CAN’T WAIT FOR S U M M E R! But we can still go HAM! ENJOY!!!! TheBoingBoingBros: Dom G. StaleySquad: Daniel, And Patrick. Check out for videos like this!
Awesome day of parkour at the gym today! E N J O Y!!!!!!!!
This video was filmed on Patricks camera! Enjoy!
Patrick’s first videofyme solo! Enjoy!
Members Patrick and Daniel doin pk at the high school with KELLEN!!!
Patrick and Daniel nature training plus regular trraining! enjoy
Daniel and Brendan training. enjoy, like, follow, and comment and for more vids go to
Daniel and Patrick going ham on a tricking sesh today, enjoy friends and vist our youtube!`
ENJOY! Like, Comment, Follow.
Random training from today of idiots being idiots.
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