Not the best buuuuut IF you like it – like my video, follow me and i’ll follow you! Much love! Happy friday! And to the beliebers Happy birthday?? Lol
Excuse my BAD voice. I just woke up and thought “Let me record myself while im singing. And even if it turns out to be horrible, put it on videofyme”. Så säg vad ni tycker. Och till dig som ville att jag skulle sjung breakeven med the script R
Say what you think! And PLEASE be honest and kind! Im kind of nervous! My friends or family have never heard me sing before!
Excuse me, you here how my tone just changed in one sec lol! PLEASE BE KING! 1st time im singing out loud to others!
Malmös pride, with a beautiful voice he is singing Chris Browns ‘She Aint You’ from the F.A.M.E Album.
ohbehave have not any favourite Video yet!