Just a normal day in school…
Vi dansar med Ammi och det är kulll (det var typ andra gången jag körde okok)
Which I very attractively failed to do, I might add (and ha I didn’t know my friend was filming me while I did this, just found it on my phone and decided to upload it)
These are this years presents! (well, right now. I’m going to have a mini-christmas with some friends in a few days but still). I’m tired here and of some reason my accent is almost undetectable which annoys me to death, but anyways HOPE YOU ENJOY!
When Hanna and Bella tries disgusting ice cream, DELETED SCENE FROM THE HANNA BELLA SHOW
Just thought people would like to here what someone that’s British but lives in Sweden would sound like 🙂 xxx (and please note “my accent changes” does not refer to the voices I make, that’s just me being stupid)
Hade världens konstigaste grej och vinkel på så hon är asful… HAHA!
Rep för Star for Life, 4/10
I min skola har vi inte skåp som alla normala peeps, nene, vi har skåp, låda, stol och skrivbord i ett rum (som vi städar och har nyckel till) vi delar med sju andra. …och jag hade gympa dagen då det här filmades.
Tja, den roliga gubben…
mylol have not any favourite Video yet!