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Join Date : March 27, 2012

About motherskydragonfly

motherskydragonfly  Videos


Alezia and Company paint for EarthDay 2012 to NatureChild by Michael J Masiko. Alezia has My permission to use this song by Masiko ’cause that’s Me.

publish May 22, 2012 634
‘Woman’ by Alezia ~ ‘Reins’ by Moptzar Masiko

MotherSky DragonFly ~ Mother of the Sun, the Moon, every Star in the Sky; Paints & Dances with RainBow. Woman, Venus, Olive Branch Halo, SongBird, Wish, OceanHouse, SunSet, Piano, Omega, GuitarMan, Spirit, Soul, Elements, Time, Don’t Run Away with M

publish April 23, 2012 151
Birth of DoubleInfinityDragonfly by Alezia ~ Chimera by Merton

Alezia Paints (DoubleInfinityDragonfly) while Lij Writes and Records (Chimera). It was concurring simultanious syncronistiq inspiration (creativity all happening at the same time) so Pap Put it together for Your Viewing and Listening Pleasure. Enjoy. (Mothersk

publish March 28, 2012 303
PTSD; Fires of Hell by Alezia

PTSD song artistic confession / incomplete. painting through the pain. life has been altered and any comments are surely welcome as they may well serve to inspire. Love, MotherSky Dragonfly, X Angelic

publish March 28, 2012 124
InTheMoment_OutOfTheDark ptsd

creation documented acoustic guitar music original song ptsd song by MJMasiko = Pour it Over Ice.

publish March 28, 2012 117
Pastel DragonFlies/Mothersky Dragonfly sends glitter kisses to all her little dragonflies xxx

a Live Pastel Performance by Alezia Copertino to the Muse of DragonFly, (a song written and recorded by Masiko) taking flight on Packing Paper by A&M. Video shot by Michael J Masiko at Alezia’s request and permission.

publish March 27, 2012 259

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