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Join Date : March 2, 2012

About mg3migh7

mg3migh7  Videos

i know what i want

i can do this everday if you want. i love you so much…i’ll do anything for you.

publish May 30, 2012 69
publish May 6, 2012 33
not much to say…

just recorded this real quick before heading out. i’ll put something else up later…i’m still acting like you care…lol fml

publish March 11, 2012 42
Florida can’t do this!

Caught the last part of the sunset and some surfing for ya!

publish March 9, 2012 45
i ain’t gonna stop!

yeah, i’ll put the lyrics to the song i’m talking about up here in a different post. as well as what they mean to me. i thought a lot about em while i was there… really…can’t stop thinking about you, and i know what you have to sa

publish March 8, 2012 172
it’s been a little while…

i haven’t had much else to say that i haven’t been talkin to you about…and then you tell me to stop lol. so i just made a little one here so you don’t forget me or get bored if you have been checking here lately. call me sometime!

publish March 7, 2012 61
Oops…wrong part of the beach

So I decided to just go out and try to see if you could see me on the beach during sunset… I originally was only going for a can of grizzly but thought it was gonna be kinda cool. So that was like 20 mins before sunset. Anyway , I got to the beach and

publish March 4, 2012 61
Racing the sun

I was just gonna go out and get a can of grizzly, then I had the crazy idea that maybe you’d be watching the sunset. I thought “how cool would that be if she was watching and saw me?!” So since the beach cam is on the website I could find whe

publish March 4, 2012 56
The alter lol

I was in best buy the other night and had to

publish March 4, 2012 43
hopin for hope

i just got a text from you at the end of this video that says “it’s not like i’m trying to hurt you”… i tried to just straight upload the video from my computer to the site, but it’s over 10mb or something crazy like that.

publish March 4, 2012 42

Yeah it’s sideways…

publish March 3, 2012 145
goin to sleep finally

it did the thing again where it stops playing, but it catches back up. i think i’m gonna have to switch to a different video site or something…

publish March 3, 2012 306

mg3migh7 Favorite Videos

mg3migh7 have not any favourite Video yet!

