#Yoga #meditation #love #lifestyle
#Yoga #YOLO yes. YOLO so I have to practice a lot of yoga.
Burn those tight leg muscles with #yoga yeah!
#Yoga free flow. Just following where your heart takes you and what your body tells you.
#yoga #tutorial Spread your toes. Draw navel towards spine and straighten legs out. It’s so much about the core core core!
This quick #yoga sequence is great if you wake up with a stiff back in the mornings. Go really slow and try not to arch the back too much, it should not hurt when doing yoga. Only do what feels good for you! Follow me on Instagram @martinayogini for more
#Yoga outside during the swedish #summer is probably one of the most enjoyable things ever.
Här visar jag en enkel men superbra andningsövning! #Yoga
My quick trip to the amazing canyon Matka among the mountains in #macedonia this place is #paradise
Loving my Tingsha bells, they sound like magic, right? #music #yoga #vibes
#Yoga #koolkarmayoga #bohista
A short #yoga video on ways to build up strength and practice forearm stand.
koolkarmayoga have not any favourite Video yet!