When God first created Adam and Eve, they were all one BIG FAMILY of God. Adam & his wife was deceived by Satan, fell from God’s grace. All who inherited Adam fall along until today. Today, Jesus has come from God. Through Him, we are BORN AGAIN.
Wife, sis-in-law, and mum-in-law went with me to Jurong West St 52 to buy durians.
Evening Stroll with Krishnie the dog.
Krishnie, my daughter’s dog is one of our family members. We must treat animals kindly. One of the things she loves to do is to welcome us at the door when we come back home. A man’s best friend indeed. She loves durian. Here, she shares with me a
Look at all things around us. Fantastic! Where did they come from? Some visible, some unseen – the wind, the air, even electricity. Fires, water, fishes which live in water, birds flying in the air. We mankind, can’t do it. GOD, You caused it. Amaz
Worship is not just about songs, neither about musical skill, not about showmanship. But it’s about our heart, emptying it so that Christ can come in by the power of the Holy Spirit. Worship is about God, it’s not about us.
If there is a RELIGION, then there will be LAW. But along with all who believe in Jesus, I have GOD. With GOD, there is LOVE. And if you LOVE, you don’t need the LAW to bind you. When you do everything out of LOVE, you don’t need the LAW. (Gal 5:23
One of my favorites as a song of worship. There’s no ulterior motive in worshiping God. Whether I feel like it or not, He is still God and deserves worship AT ALL TIMES. Lord, I give my heart to You!
This medley of songs: “When I Feel The Touch” “Awaken My Heart” They are oldies, but always have a place in my heart whenever I enter into His presence to worship Him.
In a fond memory of a Scottish lady-friend who has since gone home before us to be with our Father in Heaven, who introduced this song to us – those who were together in Church of Our Savior in the early 80’s.
Lord, I love to be in Your glory Lord, I love to be in Your presence Seek Your loveliness Seek your holiness Lord, You reign in all the earth You have overcome, You’re victorious Triumph over darkness in high places Lord, I sing Your praise……
It’s my usual morning devotion First and a must upon waking up Not so much of a duty But a delight The offering of my life to YOU This is my devotion to YOU