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Join Date : May 14, 2012

About justforlaughsgags

justforlaughsgags  Videos

Remote Control Car Race Goes Wrong

Little kid is searching for some playmates to race his remote control cars. Unfortunately the victim’s car goes out of control and explodes on a police BBQ propane tank.

publish May 14, 2012 878
Mouse Found In Cheese Prank

Ever wondered how the swiss cheese holes are made? Shoppers at the mall are asked to sample a delicious wheel of cheese at a cheese stand. But right as they grab the knife and start to slice, a cute little white mouse hops out of one of the holes…followe

publish May 14, 2012 377
Chickens Hatching in a Microwave

Blind man at the mall asks people passing by to microwave an egg for him, so he can enjoy a tasty snack. However, this magic microwave has other plans – and they don’t involve poaching, boiling or even scrambling. Shocked prank victims open up the

publish May 14, 2012 321
God’s Strength Gag

A religious nun carries a heavy box in a parking lot. Some nice strong men offer to help, but they can’t even lift it up the ground. Don’t mess around with this one – she’s got the strength of God in her!

publish May 14, 2012 699
Head in soup gag

Shoppers are asked to sample a new product: delicious, vegetable soup. But as soon as they lift the lid off of the stock pot, a crazy cabbage head pops out and scares the hell out of these prank victims.

publish May 14, 2012 272
X-Ray TV Reveals Sexy Girl in Lingerie

Now you can have airport security technology in your own living room, and even be a bit of a perverted peeping tom at the same time! This X-Ray television shows what you have under your clothes and even has a PG13 setting. The hot, blonde sales girl demonstrat

publish May 14, 2012 3088

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