Weekend is finally heeeeeeere!!!!!!!!!!!
Two words: Swedish summer.
My brother graduated from high school and stepped into unemployment and adulthood. CONGRATZ BROTHA!
For seven weeks we’ve been traveling in the U.S. This pretty much sums it all up. Enjoy! Filmed with my GoPro Hero4.
In our small town called Söderhamn, 3000 people (of like 25 000) joined the pride-celebration yesterday. All kärlek är bra kärlek!
Today we go back home to the motherland and the land we love to trash talk (but still love deeply), Sweden.
Körde en liten frågestund med Brudsen om våran resa (och lite annat random) men jag kom inte på några superkula frågor…… Har ni några frågor så ställ dem gärna 🙂
Except for WILD roosters, chickens, hens and kittens we saw a stingray, crabs and a lot of fish! The adventure continues…..
Chasing seagulls and making sand angels at a huge party beach? Yeah why not.
I know. This is a really crappy video but I had to show u all of the awesomeness I’ve seen today. My favorite was of course Harry Potter and transformers.
What better way to celebrate your 22nd birthday is there than Disney World? Happy b-day Johanna. For you I’ve been sweating like a pig all day. But I had fun doing it.
juliarudolfsson have not any favourite Video yet!