Haha! I was testing the slow motion function on my iPhone by waving the flag and accidentally caught @fridaschon eat potato chips. The result is brilliant.
Missing NYC as much as I missed my voice when we were there. Seriously, I lost it completely at the end.
Snapchat’s added the best thing ever to their effect-thing. Face swap. Seriously, any face works. Sorry, it’s in Swedish 🙂
Last Friday we played “assassin” and I won by killing my friends off one by one. True huzzlah. Sorry for the worst quality ever known to mankind.
Smilla’s first real encounter with a horse. Well, first time that she doesn’t just sit from a 20 meter distance watching.
A tad drunk at a baseball game. My friend always does this bitch face when she puts on make up, I try to imitate it (haha A for effort). No success.
Multiple attempts and each one was a failure. It’s frickin impossible. Had fun anyway. ITS GOOD BEING BACK ON VIDEOFY!!!
Tired of all the road trip videos? Well it’s all I’ve got right now. Plus I’m so occupied with college I got nothing to shoot anyway. Put together some clips shot in selfie mode. Enjoy
Got to see some of the Pride-parade from our lunch break-spot. Gotta love Love and two best friends holding hands on our walk home from the city.
This has been the shittiest summer ever weather wise BUT tonight the sun decided to show its pretty face to us Swedes and we couldn’t be more excited. I went for a walk and had to capture it for the rainy days to come. This is why I love this country ??
Put a little something together of the clips that never made it to the first movie. Song by M. I.A, “paper planes”
Long time no see! I cut my hair off and I’m back to reality with work and everything. The only sunshine in my life is this can of sun rays that I’m drinking (well ok, it’s an energy drink. BUT STILL) since the rain is still pouring down outsi
juliarudolfsson have not any favourite Video yet!