We’re feeding fish to our cat Klonken, he’s really sick :'( I’m so sad in this video, you can hear it. Klonken is the best cat EVER! ?
We waited for the bus to arrive for almost an hour… Stupid SL(Stockholms Localtraffic)! Haha, but we had fun.
I’m just talking about random stuff 🙂
My cute and wierd cat Klonken is drinking water from a little fountain.
This is my cute, but really wierd, cat Klonken drinking water from a cool little fountain thingy.
My cats, Klonken and Keso(Moffis), loves catnip and carrots, they get crazy! So we put catnip on a carrot!
Yuki and I are talking about if bananas really grow in the jungle, and if blueberrys exist in China? 🙂
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