These guys actually have to carry shields with them on the job! Looks like those falcons aren’t interested in having visitors around.
Jolene Van Vugt breaks the Guinness World Record for the Fastest Toilet, clocking in at 75km/h. How random is that?
A beautiful rendition of the highly recognizable them song from titanic; this kid sure has a bright future in music ahead of him.
Curious Chimp Checks Out CameraA chimp out in the wild gets his hands on this camera and just doesn’t know what to think of it!
These two dogs really have an ear for music! If you think it’s tough teaching them how to sit, imagine trying to show them how to do this?
Now this guy is an inspiration! He contracted polio in 1974 when he was still a baby, and lost control of his left leg and partial control of his right. He still throws down better dance moves than mos
This is a well mannered chimp!
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