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Join Date : May 24, 2015

About itzprincessk

itzprincessk  Videos

summer vlog

I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, my YouTube channel is itzprincessk. If you support me, and want to see more of me, check my channel out. My Channel is Itzprincessk.

publish June 15, 2017 158
publish May 7, 2017 141
Clean my room with me

thanks for watching loves?? insta// itzprincessk twitter// makeupyprincess snapchat// princesskdavis wattpad// itzprincessk new videos every week. “If i gotta be a b; I gotta be a bad one”

publish May 6, 2017 181
I’ve been lying to you? Updates on my life.

thanks for watching loves?? insta// itzprincessk twitter// makeupyprincess snapchat// princesskdavis wattpad// itzprincessk new videos every week. “If i gotta be a b; I gotta be a bad one”

publish May 1, 2017 175
Vlog: First Day of SY

stressful. too many freshmans. Lost

publish August 22, 2016 204
• Clarity •

Just something new. Just out my wattpad : itzprincessk…. I make amazing books

publish August 18, 2016 160
BTS: Supplies Haul Collab

Ashley and I collaborated on this video, go show her some love on her channel. hope you guys enjoy this video. #BTSWITHK #beauty @ashleyjannam

publish August 18, 2016 170
“I AM ME” a short film by Kendall Davis

This is about us as girls having to feel pressure to be beautiful. When we fail to realize we are already beautiful, labels don’t define who you are, and it most certainly doesn’t justify the things you do. I am me. But the question is Who are you?

publish August 15, 2016 148
Freshman Advice | Do’s & Dont’s

Since school it just around the corner, you know your girl had to hook y’all up with freshman advice… Do’s and Dont’s, just a few topics I thought were mainly important for incoming freshmens. Hope you enjoy. Follow my socials #BTSWITHK

publish August 14, 2016 166
Vlog: Volunteer Hours, Working to graduate

This is a Vlog of what I was doing Wednesday, and yes, there will be more vlogs of me doing things. I was working by unpacking boxes to get my volunteer hours. IG: Itzprincessk Twitter: makeupyprincess #beauty #itzprincessk #BTSWithK

publish August 11, 2016 178
Ranting About Life With Kendall

Something new I came up with. Hope you guys enjoy it. I just rant about going back to school, and things I wish my younger self knew. Don’t forget to hit that follow button. #BTSWithK IG: itzprincessk Twitter: makeupyprincess

publish August 10, 2016 190
BTS: Cleaning My Room

Honestly, my room was way over due for this, I realized in the past , that if you start school or say work with a messy room, not only will you be disorganized but so will your life. And I couldn’t have that. IG: itzprincessk Twitter: makeupyprincess

publish August 9, 2016 145

itzprincessk Favorite Videos

itzprincessk have not any favourite Video yet!

