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Join Date : March 14, 2013

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Our Marijuana Growing University’s Seven Easy Tips

Action One. Find A Medical Cannabis Genetics To Cultivate The Indica strain (scientific label: cannabis indica) is a relaxant, normally required to soothe the signs of several sclerosis, muscle convulsions, tremblings, movement concerns, and ache administratio

publish June 14, 2013 66
Are Cannabis Stocks Actually A Good/Bad Financial Investment???

This is the “wild west” when it involves purchasing marijuana stocks and you do not want to purchase these types of stocks with money you can not manage to lose. We encourage investors to be mindful when you are purchasing marijuana stocks, there w

publish June 5, 2013 47
Green CulturED Releases Its Aquapoinc Horticulture Guide For Medical Marijuana Growers

Green CulturED is happy to release its latest college textbook called the Aquaponic Gardening Guide inform precisely ways to grow medical marijuana by capitalizing on aquaponics. The Aquaponic Gardening Guide aspires to support marijuana aquaponic yard enthusi

publish June 4, 2013 54
Home Soil Grower Certification Release By Green CulturED For Medical Cannabis Patients

What’s the most crucial component needed to cultivate healthy medical cannabis? Great dirt. Wise natural gardeners know that rich, nourishing marijuana soil is the secret to lovely yards and bountiful harvests along with prevention of disease and bug con

publish June 3, 2013 52
Why Growing Medicinal Marijuana Aquaponics Is Much Better Than Hydroponics

Aquaponic systems combine the very best of hydroponics (growing in a soilless medium), and aquaculture (the farming of fish), the 2 parts of hydroponic systems that are replaced in an aquaponic system are the: 1) Water Tank (Aquarium) 2) Nutrition (Fish Poop)

publish May 31, 2013 51
Green CulturED Launches YouTube Stations For Marijuana College Pupils

Green CulturED revealed strategies to establish and expand its video operations and develop a social video studio, created to create news and home entertainment video material exclusively for YouTube. They are the renowned cannabis university for online medica

publish May 29, 2013 80

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