Getting everything you want won’t necessarily result in your happiness, because you don’t always want what is good. Align your desires with Universal Principles, and your life will alway unfold in ways that bring you joy. #Happiness, #loa
If someone’s been negative about your company, this shortcut can save you from endlessly posting whiney complaints about it.
Each of you are loved and appreciated. Each of you is a gift! ? ?? ?? ?? ?
You don’t need to drag anyone into your business. Here’s why. Whenever you have to coerce someone to join your business… whenever you drag ’em in… you’ll ultimately end up having to drag ’em along. People who are not r
You cannot make positive choices for the rest of your life unless you create an environment in which it’s safe to make mistakes. For it is upon those mistakes that you will lay the foundations of your BREAKTHROUGH.
Understand that painful experiences are opportunities fir growth. Move through them, instead of trying to escape them, and you will not suffer. Play the “I’m ocerwhelned,” game, and you’ll surely pay the price. #Growup #nonsuffering
Quick video before heading to the hospital
Free yourself to BE yourself.
Creating change is a constant in a successful life. Don’t let the need for change overwhelm you. When we fail to learn life’s lessons the first time around, life has a way of repeating them to until we learn the lesson, let go and move on. The secret t
Ready to take your sicial media marketing to the bext level? Want to know the exact steps I’ve taken to consistent earn high six and seven figure incomes in our industry? Stay tuned, because this FREE Mastery Course begins this wk #SocialMediaMarketing
If you believe you need to “grind” in order to succeed, you will be right. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Learn the secret to lasting abundance. #Success #abundance #mindset
Hidden within your challenges are the seeds for your success. When my last company screwed me over, because the owner lacked the integrity and experience to prevent unethical things to take place, it opened the door for me to discover all the other “disc
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