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Join Date : April 17, 2014

About gianmichael

gianmichael  Videos

Let’s Pull Out All the Stops

No one cares how much “feel good nonsense” you experienced at your company’s latest hype fest. Deluver REAL value to the marketplace by giving people what they NEED, not what you WANT. #TrainingNotArmWrestling

publish August 4, 2014 140
A Tip to Bring Value to Your Week

This little secret could mean the difference between your success and failure in whatever it is you’re doing.

publish August 3, 2014 120
Cultivating Relationships Isn’t Enough

If you’re not enrolling peopke each month, this might be why…

publish August 2, 2014 145
Wow! You guys are the BEST!

What a strong and fantasic finish to the month. Thank you to everyone who stepped up and made this our best month ever! #Wunlove, #wunlife income disclosure:

publish August 1, 2014 133
End the Month Strong and Focused

Take ownership in your results.

publish July 30, 2014 123
3-Minute Reality Check (July 2014)

It’s the end of another incredible month, and that means it’s tome for our 3-Minute Realty Check – Summer Edition! #RealityCheck

publish July 29, 2014 121
Laying Down Some Wisdom I Discovered

My friend, Chris Holland, shared this, and it stopped me dead in my tracks. It’s an excerpt from a book I have yet to identify. i can only be sure it wasn’t written by Joseph Smith, Donnie Osmond, or Brigham Young. But it’s PURE gold, my frie

publish July 28, 2014 141
Increase Your Level of Engagemement on Social Media

Adding people every day is not enough. Here’s how I maintain a high level of social media engagement every day. #SocialMediaEngagement

publish July 28, 2014 151
Real Leaders Cultivate Leaders

Empower others, and help them become leaders, and you’ll never need to worry anout recruiting again.

publish July 28, 2014 120
A Response to the Predators

It’s telling that the Lee Press-on Leaders can only try to distract from their company’s abject failure in the marketplace, by attacking me. I don’t have to recruit their people. REAL leadership attracts people organically, and is unafraid of

publish July 26, 2014 131
Take Daily Action

Are you filling your day with busy-work, so you can avoid actually taking ACTION to grow your business? #Action, #dmo

publish July 25, 2014 157
Day Two and Your Website is Still Suspended

Isn’t it time you stopped lying to yourself… And to those who lack the experience or intelligence to realise your company is not a smart investment? Why keep throwing $150 to $400 a month into a system that was tacky when it worked, but which has b

publish July 24, 2014 138

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