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Join Date : April 17, 2014

About gianmichael

gianmichael  Videos

Loving the Resort

Getting ready to chill by the fireplace with loved ones… Catch you guys tomorrow! #Fourseasonsresort, #iln, #grn

publish May 4, 2014 139
Checking in at the resort…

Wow! Couldn’t ask for a more gorgeous day… Glad we got here before sundown. #FourSeasonsResort, #MassanuttenSkiResort

publish May 3, 2014 130
We’re headed out!

Getting ready to head down to the Four Seasons Resort in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, for a week of Masterminding and relaxation. #ILN, #LSN, #ProsperityReinvented

publish May 3, 2014 126
You’ve spoken… We’re listening!

A sort update for members of our team, who are interested in working with a higher calibre entrepreneur, and for those who were orphaned and who never git their busunesses off to a proper start.

publish May 2, 2014 140
Think Before You Post

Just saw some really ignorant and baseless prejudice posted on Facebook this evening… And I have to wonder if some fools are rwally surprused that they’re unsuccessful in this industry! Think before you open your mouths!

publish April 30, 2014 135
Reclaim Your Personal Power

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is within your reach! I’ll do a longer video about this on YouTube later today. #PersonalPower, #success

publish April 28, 2014 182
Making Daily Progress

My personal mentor, the late Mr Jim Rohn would say, “All life asks is that we make measurable progress in a reasonable amount of time… Afterall, that’s why they make the desk in the fourth grade so small!” #progress, #success, #mindset

publish April 26, 2014 165
Using video to extend your marketing reach

Ready to learn how I use video to move over $1100 in retail products each month effortlessly… And without spam? Here’s the link: #videomarketing, #wellness, #youtube

publish April 26, 2014 177
Untapped Porential of the Present

Just wanted to invite everyone to check out my latest blog and video… Http:// #peakperformance, #potential

publish April 25, 2014 122
Blogging (vloggong) on the fly with and ILN

Too busy to post a blog article on your ILN blog today? Make the process simpler with Watch to learn how. #Iln, #internetlifestylenetwork, #vlogging

publish April 24, 2014 338
Excited about meeting with some of you!

Just a quick note, after an incredible holiday dinner with friends and loved ones. Looking forward to meeting up with some of you in May! #Iln, #mentoring, #peakperformance

publish April 20, 2014 190
The Secret to Adding 200 New Contacts in 30 Munutes

Let’s face it, spamming and auto-friending scripts don’t work. When you join our private mastermind group and follow the instructions at the top of that page, I’ll teach you how I add 200 new contacts daily. Http://

publish April 20, 2014 123

gianmichael Favorite Videos

gianmichael have not any favourite Video yet!

