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Join Date : January 23, 2013

About fitspoorstion

fitspoorstion  Videos

Its leg day

Today I visited Nordic wellness gym. Leeeegday

publish March 31, 2013 3245
How I do my eye makeup

Today is day 5 of 7 days 7 stories. Today I will show you how I do my eye make up ? haha it was reAlly hard to do it while holding my iPhone to get a good angle. Hehe sorry if you needed to look up in my nose a few times

publish March 29, 2013 3068
Baking, healthy bread

Day 4 of “7 days – 7 stories”. Today I will show you how I bake my bread. The whole recipe is at my blog!

publish March 28, 2013 1795
Mingle at Videofyme

Day 3, “7 days – 7 stories”. I went to a mingle evning at videofyme’s office. I took my boyfriend with me. We had a great night! ? Thank you Videofyme for the great evning!

publish March 27, 2013 1598
This is a food day for me

Day nr 2 of 7 days 7 stories. This is a video with ALL food I ate through the whole day

publish March 26, 2013 2718
Swedish waffle-day

Hi! This week I am going to do a video everyday. A total of 7 videos. It’s a challenge that videofyme is doing and I’m super exited! (Read more at my blog). This is my video of today, I’m making healthy vanilla protein waffles for the waffle

publish March 25, 2013 1700
Vanillia protein smoothie recipe

Ingredients: 1 scoop (30g) vanillia protein powder About 100 g quark 1 dl strawberries 1 dl mango 1/2 dl water Mix everything together and enjoy!

publish March 24, 2013 1508
Workout 15/3

A part of todys gym workout 🙂

publish March 15, 2013 2252
160 kg (352 pounds) leg press 10 reps 3 sets. person record

160 kg (352 pounds) leg press 10 reps 3 sets. person record

publish March 4, 2013 1290
Barbell row – Skivstångsrodd

I was tired when I made this video so the technice was not perfect but it was good enough to show you a quickie!

publish February 26, 2013 1817
Modified side plank leg lift

Modified side plank leg lift

publish February 25, 2013 1361
Video blogg Q/A del 2

Video blogg Q/A del 2

publish February 24, 2013 1847

fitspoorstion Favorite Videos

fitspoorstion have not any favourite Video yet!

