If you keep doing what you’re doing you will continue to get what you’re getting. If you’re having money problems today you will continue to until you make a change. #Money #creditcards
If you keep doing what you’re doing, you will continue to keep getting what you’re getting. Leverage your teamwork and community to further include a circle of influence around your prospect. #words #powerful #magical
Give your prospect permission to dream. Be their safe place for embracing the unlimited possibilities of what they hold most dear. #Dreamspace #endure
People need and want a system, product, and team along with mentoring and some level of coaching. When their pain point revolves around any of these areas, you know that you have the solution. #Strategy #team #product
Inform your prospect of your coaching style and get a mental agreement and then go in for the close. #fastlane
Learn to compare and contrast a person’s current situation to their freedom lifestyle by highlighting the advantages of a leveraged compensation model type business. #Flip
Use live events as another mental transaction to closing the assumptive sale. #liveevents
Give your prospect an actionable step of commitment.
Baby steps of acceptance… #mentaltransactions
Assume a sell … #Presumptivemarketing
In the presence of rapport, anything’s possible. #jimrome
http://www.feleciatownsend.com Here I discuss that I will be reviewing Mark Hoverson’s 21 Recruiting and Closing Strategies. #markhoverson
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