– One of the biggest reasons people don’t get results with P90X is because they don’t follow the directions, and they do the workouts in the wrong order. You can modify the order of the P90X workouts, but yo
The ability to properly manage your expectations in life will do WONDERS for alleviating stress and enjoying your life!
When it comes to getting results from your health and fitness program, it isn’t the program itself that matters most, but rather your determination to stick with it. This video gives examples of how determination can get you over rough spots, and then yo
Yes, it’s true! You CAN predict your very own future! Here’s how!
We’ve all struggled with which path to take at particular junctions in our lives. Here are some words of wisdom to help you out during those times!
Weekends are a great opportunity! Are you handling yours the right way?
Intro to The Capricorn Diaries video series. Sure to be one to watch to take your life wherever you want it to be!
Many people struggle with how to get better at pull ups, since that particular exercise tends to be very challenging. There are simple methods that will help you get better at pull ups and chin ups, however, and this video shows you two resistance band exercis
Everyone wants that vaunted “6-pack” but what many people don’t know is that you can take the same amount of time that you would normally take to do abdominal exercises, yet get more out of them. Check out this video if you want to know how t – Super Skaters are one of many awesome leg exercises in the P90X Extreme Home Training Program, and like all exercises, if you do them properly you can see some great results!
Resistance bands are an inexpensive, easy, portable way to get GREAT results from your at home workouts. In this video I show you how to properly use resistance bands in order to get the best results WITHOUT having to buy multiple different bands for different
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