Find out why I think you do need a mentor and what do you do if your mentor failed u?
Find out How ILN will able u to attract the right people into your business using Asia Mckenzie’s famous 12steps system.
Find out why I think the world have change and why social media plays an important part of u representing yourself!
Find out how you can have a healthier heart wen you forgive easily. In the bible it says to be quick to forgive and repent from your sins.
Find out why an entrepreneurial journey is an uphill battle!
Find out why we need to honor the people that have laid down the foundations for you.
This video was made when I was holidaying in Marina Bay Sands. Find out how in this world of abundance n even in poverty everybody wants to be happy. So how do u stay happy?
Find out why it is important to write down your vision.
Find out why is it important to write your vision and put it on a tablet. Also sneak peek at my office for tdy!!
I’m all fired up!! Find out why!! Add me on Facebook:
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