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Join Date : August 25, 2012

About e99hdnx8

e99hdnx8  Videos

“LAST-BENCHERS”:Skit on freshers day 2012 by The MAJESTIC CIVILiONS [PACE] PART 3

“LAST-BENCHERS”:: As part of our fresher’s day, this was a small skit presented by the rockin S7 CIVILiONS about the life of back benchers… CAST: Ajin Mathew, Vishnu S, Anantha Krishnan Bhaskaran Nair, Nitheesh Kumar, Sudhi, Genoy, Shiy

publish August 25, 2012 40
“LAST-BENCHERS”:Skit on freshers day 2012 by The MAJESTIC CIVILiONS [PACE] PART 2

“LAST-BENCHERS”:: As part of our fresher’s day, this was a small skit presented by the rockin S7 CIVILiONS about the life of back benchers… CAST: Ajin Mathew, Vishnu S, Anantha Krishnan Bhaskaran Nair, Nitheesh Kumar, Sudhi, Genoy, Shiy

publish August 25, 2012 25
“LAST-BENCHERS”:Skit on freshers day 2012 by The MAJESTIC CIVILiONS [PACE] PART 1

“LAST-BENCHERS”:: As part of our fresher’s day, this was a small skit presented by the rockin S7 CIVILiONS about the life of back benchers… CAST: Ajin Mathew, Vishnu S, Anantha Krishnan Bhaskaran Nair, Nitheesh Kumar, Sudhi, Genoy, Shiy

publish August 25, 2012 52

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