A comedy > I gave papa a tiny cup of coffee, I didn’t realized I made it so strong, papa thought I put salt… : ) Thanks for watching my videos … PIECE ON EARTH !!!
Al Stepped on the broken piece from the toilet…. He’s so nervous can’t moved… Thanks for watching my videos… PIECE ON EARTH !!!
A comedy > My son, Binoe’s dad stepped on the piece of broken toilet, when the repair man left the piece of broken toilet on the bathroom floor, my son Binoe thought his dad is going to die,… very funny 🙂 Starring by …. Binoe Camera by
A comedy, I called my cousin, ate Merly, I pretend to be someone else, It’s so funny they can’t recognized my voice,later when I introduced my self,they don’t believe me,they hanged up the phone, I called back and I insist it was me… It
Based from a true story … A comedy, She met a wrong kind of movie talent managers / film director, she just got conned for money, but she still hoping to become a movie / t.v. actress… 🙂 Story Idea by …Dovie San Andres Actress by… Do
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