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Join Date : March 4, 2013

About didrikjederud

didrikjederud  Videos

So I did this, it was fun.

Wils’s reaction in the background says it all. πŸ™‚

publish September 25, 2014 370
First try, weird combo

Very different and very fun doing πŸ™‚

publish August 24, 2014 460
First summer day in the gym

So we finally got let inside the gym. I could only find a pretty bad trampette which means I couldn’t get the height I’m used to, but I managed to land a new flip which was fun. πŸ™‚

publish August 4, 2014 574
2 meh moments, read the description!

Sorry about the bad quality, i broke my regular phone πŸ™ 2 fun moments from my trip to LinkΓΆping. I greatly injured my foot some time ago, therefor the lack of videos. On my way back πŸ™‚

publish June 28, 2014 298
Tree dubfull!

Sorry for the lack of videos, I took a trip to Jamaica and almost broke my ankle. These are 2 clips from an outside session with my friend Wils!

publish May 14, 2014 406
Spam dubs

Did a lot of dubs this weekend, all of them except the simple double back were first-timers. I went nuts after the double arabian (the double “frontflip”) because I thought I had no chance of actually doing it πŸ™‚

publish March 23, 2014 398
Synced double backflip

Synced double backflip with Ludde Schmidt. Sorry about the text, filmed it on snapchat and forgot to remove it πŸ™‚

publish March 20, 2014 316
Not very hard but meh

Tried out a new thing today, sorry about the video quality πŸ™‚

publish February 27, 2014 310
Swedens second

A combo I did last night, from what I’ve heard I’m the second guy in Sweden to land it. It was close but no, my hands didn’t touch the ground πŸ™‚

publish February 14, 2014 354
New floor

Fun moments from today, trying out the new floor. Btw, first dub back on it πŸ™‚

publish January 23, 2014 304
What happens when you do a double back in front of your students

Did a dub back for my “students” Translation : “Okey boys, now it’s your turn. Double backs!”

publish January 10, 2014 422
Meh, it’s something

Some stuff from today πŸ™‚

publish January 2, 2014 297

didrikjederud Favorite Videos

didrikjederud have not any favourite Video yet!

