Here the nicely colored sun bird is actively seen hunting for juice in the Chrysostom plant towards the setting sun. This small bird is very agile and will not perch for long on any branch.
Niagara Falls, keeps the tourists spellbound with the degree of awe , that one keeps on looking at every drop of water that keeps on falling down. Here , we also share the happiness being part of the celebrations that everyone enjoys.
This reserve is rich in flora & fauna. One of the reason for such a preserve is that it is isolated from civilization from most of the side and water is available in plenty. Forest dept. ensures that the tour they conduct promotes awareness on protection
This rare class of monkey , which is found only this part of the world is saved from extinction by naturalists from the construction of a big hydroelectric dam known by name – Silent Valley Hydroelectric Project, in Kerala.By definition itself , this bla
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