Be bo ba
Anton is making music at BK – best I’ve ever heard
Randomness from the day and actually some talking now when I finally got my voice back a bit. The sound is crap tho, oh well!
Ninna sent Panda two toys for his birthday the eleventh of may :3 he’s currently spooning the pink mouse that squeaks that he got. Lazy cat is lazy now tho haha!
Got a request to make a videofyme video from today with bubblipop! So I did! In Swedish tho haha
This is from my Saturday – Was moving my little Panda and then celebrated Toni’s birthday (: so here’s some clips of that! (Toni, if you see this and don’t riek it you just let me know and I’ll remove it again.
It’s too bad you can’t hear his purring on the video. Cutie is like the nicest cat in the world. As long as he gets to be with his papi haha! (‘:
Pandalusien and Blooregard Q Kazooa Two of them at least
Mom filming my forever-stuck-in-my-arms baby that can’t decide whether to snuggle or explore the environment from afar
Shopping with the totally grown up guys. #mature
Good night~
Going crazy
deshinabuyoru have not any favourite Video yet!