A presentation of my Tumblr. Watch and enjoy. Everything made by: Sebastian Lindgren.
How to write and compile the Hello World program in FASM. By Sebastian Lindgren. (Ps. I still have a cold)
How to download a good assembler compiler with a good GUI. By Sebastian Lindgren.
A video made by me and my beloved.
Haha you wanted more in this video… probably 😛 But it’s a drum and a castle just like the title says ^^
A few warriors of unknown allegiance start to fight during this song. The tunes are very inspiring though!
This truly is an awesome medieval song. Don’t miss out on this music. And aww so cute there down left… a kiss. 🙂
Markus returns after venturing in to the cave… he’s ironic in the end you know 😛
King Albert with the iron hand rides in with his warriors and people to sit next to the queen in the jousting.
Queen Margarete rides in to sit on the royal seats for the jousting!
En film med olika animationer jag har gjort för något år sedan (eller kanske två). Tyckte allt att den blev riktigt bra! 🙂 Se vad du själv tycker! 😀
Detta är ett försök att lära ut lite kemi! ^^ FULLT ANIMERAT! *stolt* Musik från: music4yourvids.co.uk
crt2lygq have not any favourite Video yet!