The dives I did at yesterday’s dive meet. Front dive tuck, front 1 and 1/2, inward somersault tuck, backflip straight, and inward 1 and 1/2.
Back full off the diving board and smaked me shoulder haha hurt but I got my twisting straighter and better and my back fulls nicer! Double tap the vid when it’s full screen to fit the screen
Summer is here, so why not make a summer series okay don’t make fun. This first video from the summer series is tonight’s gym sesh (6/8/13), Some clips from diving practice with Domboy and Djleemer, and some junts in Domboys pool. This is my first
Trying to learn the touchdown raiz and as soon as I almost got I hurt my toe again! >:(
Sorry it couldn’t be longer, but when I was filming for day one of 7days 7stories I attempted a double full and hurt my toe:/ #7days7stories
Me working on my cart full today, trying to step out
A couple clips from Samet’s camera from training yesterday #WERUNSWEDEN
My very first time trying my cork outside
I have decided to quit parkour and tricking..
Edited the clips of cork attempts
First cork land, second attempt in a while
collindaq have not any favourite Video yet!