– Xoxo the bff’s
In this video we make a coke and mentos bomb! We used a small coca-cola, but you should use a big one so that you get a bigger bomb, we added some mentos to the cocacola and well.. you’ll see what happen! hope you like the video! xoxo, the bff’s
Take any food you can find and just throw it into the blender! It’s really fun but sooo disqusting! ahahahha Xoxo, bffs
The lipstick challange! The challange is to put on lipstick, it sound really easy BUT here comes the hard part : You’re not allowed to use your hand! Legs, arms, mouth and so on are okay though! It’s really hard and it looks really messed up! Xoxo,
This is what we did in this video: we called the number 118 800 and asked the craaaaaaziest questions! The only problem was that right after we finished our questions we found out that it costed sooo much! But it was really fun anyway! HAHAHA xoxo, bffs
Check this out, we’re doing the cup song! It comes from a movie called “pitch perfect.” It’s so fun, we literally do this 24/7! Once you learn to do it, you can’t stop! Xoxo, bffs
Do this! Call maybe a friend, your mom, your sister.. Whoever you want and when they answer you say: I can’t talk right now (jag kan inte prata just nu) HAHAH, then you wait for their response. They’ll be like: WHAT? Xoxo, bffs
In this video we’re playing hide and Seek in the grocery store! It was so fun and that grocery store is HUGE! You should soooo try it! Xoxo, the bff’s
Vi äter keetchup.. Gö de inte! Hur äckligt som helst!!!
Här har vi gjort en liten challenge! Kommentera gärna om ni har en video där ni har gjort “Chubby bunny challenge”. I’m a rabito, i’m sitting in a cage and i’m eating a carrot
I våran kanal kommer vi att lägga upp utmaningar (som den här), yolosaker vi känner för att göra och det som vi lägger upp kan du använda som tips på vad du kan göra med kompisen när ni inte har något att göra.