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Join Date : July 2, 2013

About akahanayamamoto

akahanayamamoto  Videos

Kawaii Puppy Makeup

This makeup is inspired by one of my dogs! My Instagram is @Akahana Yamamoto and so is my youtube called #Kawaii #Makeup #Harajuku #söt

publish April 1, 2014 280
Trying Japanese candy

I decided to try my japanese candy and sorry if the video is really long but that’s how much candy I bought ^^ YouTube channel Akahana Yamamoto Instagram @AkahanaYamamoto #Japanese#candy#kawaii#haul#pocky

publish March 1, 2014 351
Haul In From America

I’m finally back to America and it feels really nice. Of course I’ve been shopping and I just decided to share my new items 😉 Please subscribe to my YouTube channel Akahana Yamamoto Thank you for watching #haul#america

publish February 15, 2014 272
Kawaii makeup

Kawaii makeup for everyone. I will not tell what app I used. #kawaii#makeup#japanese#tutorial

publish February 11, 2014 354
Cardfight Vanguard

The anime is called the same as the title of this video. I would really recommend watching it, I’m so happy! Even though it’s not do visible in the video XD The song is one of the openings of the anime. #anime #cardfight #vanguard #eBay #haul

publish January 8, 2014 418
eBay Haul

Sorry for the bad filming. I made this video all by myself and it was hard ;). Thank you for watching. Every item was bought on eBay and was purchased pretty cheap. Everything is in good quality. #haul#kpop#Shinee

publish December 27, 2013 349
Williams first steps

Finally my one year old baby brother took his first steps ^^ hope you enjoy

publish November 24, 2013 245
JingJang in chaos?

Moses och Sesam verkade ha ett litet argument, jag kände mig bara tvungen att filma det ^^ Hope you like the video ^^ Moses and Sesam argued and I felt just forced to film it ^^ looks funny with one black and the other ins white ^^

publish November 23, 2013 224
Finland Trip

We are in Finland. 30 km away from Helsinki in a little cute city called Porvo. Song: Super Junior M Super Girl

publish September 21, 2013 251
publish September 13, 2013 251
publish September 12, 2013 238
publish September 9, 2013 229

akahanayamamoto Favorite Videos

akahanayamamoto have not any favourite Video yet!

