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Join Date : August 12, 2013

About ajvjg9lt

ajvjg9lt  Videos

publish November 6, 2013 10
publish October 11, 2013 12
MBC news

Today’s top news stories.

publish August 22, 2013 12
Fishy story season 1episode 3

Penguin and donkey visits Iceland and gets to see catty, a green catterpillar. Penguin and donkey has a small dispute but after meeting catty they talk about how to care for hamsters. Watch out for episode 3. And subscribe so that you won’t miss a show.

publish August 13, 2013 32
Fishy story season 1 episode 2

This about three fishes enjoying the glorious weather of the 1990’s, where mike has long disputes with khan and Mary is criticised for burping and her ill mannered fashion choice. This is episode 2, watch out for episode 3 where the fish go to Iceland.

publish August 12, 2013 16
Fishy story season 1 episode 2

This about three fishes enjoying the glorious weather of the 1990’s, where mike has long disputes with khan and Mary is criticised for burping and her ill mannered fashion choice. This is episode 2, watch out for episode 3 where the fish go to Iceland.

publish August 12, 2013 20
Fishy Story season 1 episode 1

This is a story about three fish trying to live in a tiny aquarium, in the 1940’s when the Germans were striking fear into the hearts of every fish in Berlin. The music is skyfall by Adele, this is episode 1 season 1.

publish August 12, 2013 42

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