??????????????????My kitten, Niji. Niji means rainbow. Say hi!
I don’t really expect the kids of today to recognize the melody.. Bonus points if you know what it is.
Thank you, Sofia! Everyone who send something to me will get a video thanks. 🙂 #desaiha #desaiha_adrian
Chilling and singing, part 2! “Anthem” from Chess. Follow us at Instagram! @desaiha_adrian and @haelleberg #desaiha #adrian #dolata
The first part in a mini-series with me and my GF in front of the keyboard, singing and relaxing to release some energy after a great concert. (In swedish) Part 1: Ave Maria Follow us at Instagram! @desaiha_adrian and @haelleberg #desaiha #adrian #dolata
This was when we had very recently founded the band. We shot the pictures in a really cool, desert-like place. #DESAIHA #wisteria
We play Wisteria at 240bpm (really fast) for rehearsal purposes. #DESAIHA #wisteria
Sang one of my favorite songs in the practice room yesterday. (In swedish) I dedicate this to my bassist Fredrik! From the musical “Kristina frÃ¥n DuvemÃ¥la”. #desaiha #singing #singer #musical
from the musical “Chess”
adriandolata have not any favourite Video yet!