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Join Date : May 5, 2013

About 6wwl6peg

6wwl6peg  Videos

Having fun! Hihi :)

I am a bit .!?. πŸ˜€ . That’s why i am jumping in the water… YOLO! #summermoments

publish July 22, 2013 83
Summer fun!

That was a month ago. With the boat. πŸ˜€ haha i stole it from them and drove away. The people are my sisters and my sister’s boyfriend. πŸ˜‰ I’ll post a “How to make Beachwaves” Video in a few days, i think! Watch! ?

publish July 19, 2013 58
Summer Summer! Swinging around! β™‘

I learnt to swing with This one.. 11 years ago. ? Love her/it!.!

publish July 18, 2013 71
Follow me Around Again :)

Sry guys.. I always post this FMA. But, i LOVE to film this kind of videos. It shows how my life is, funny, gorgeous and FAANTAASTIIC πŸ™‚ Tomorrow i’ll train with ma friends for a show. GERMAN WHEEL AND DANCE! Maybe i’ll film a bit. Then you can s

publish July 16, 2013 54
Pets. Cycling. Loove. <3

My black cat Baghi has his 14th birthday today!! πŸ™‚

publish July 11, 2013 68
Made in -.- Germany -.-

Went home from school. πŸ˜‰ Bored. -_-

publish July 8, 2013 70
New Video! Soon

I am maling a new video in this moment πŸ™‚ With all my favourites of the month

publish July 7, 2013 76
Making something delicious o.O :D

I made a drink with peppermint, strawberries and blueberries. It tasted AWESOME πŸ˜€ Sorry for always taking this song, but, seriously, itΒ΄s gorgeous! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰

publish July 4, 2013 60
Awesomeness is my religion! ❀

I’ve been taking a video for a whole time. But VideoFyMe deleted it! πŸ™ I am so sorry!! ?

publish July 4, 2013 63
Hello, Salut, Hallo ;)

My first video. Just want to say “hi” πŸ™‚ I’ll post some videos of outfits, inspiration and so on… πŸ™‚ ( some crazy ones too πŸ˜› ) Facebook: Michaela VΓΆlkl

publish May 22, 2013 64
publish May 11, 2013 72

6wwl6peg Favorite Videos

6wwl6peg have not any favourite Video yet!

